CHAB win the InnovDay TP competition for innovation un public works
CHAB, presented by Olivier BALAS, President of BALAS TEXTILE based in Saint Romain de Popey France win the first price in both Green Technologies universe and THE InnovDay TP big competition for innovation in public works, whose final took place on May 2021 in Lyon.
« Marriage of textiles and Public Works, the CHAB Concrete Sock solution was born from the union of three leading manufacturers in their area : Balas Textile, CTMI and SMB Bord Côte, in collaboration with INSA Lyon. »
CHAB Concret socks : the textile solution game changer for foundations.
Construction requires foundations. It involves drilling into the ground to build concrete piles, reinforced, anchored in solid group below. With the scarcity of easily constructible land, the builders are turning to sites where thick layers of unstable soil cover the ground. In order for the piles to reach the bedrock, deep below, up to 30 m, it is necessary to use heavy, expensive and bulky equipment such as steel boxes. Box bored piles steel are needed when faced with hollow layers. but concrete can spill and pollutes the ground, when water enters or the ground caves, resulting in faulty piles which must be rebuilt. The steel bow has three main drawbacks :
- Expensive : requires specialized heavy machinery and complex logistics which can generate delays;
- High environmental impact : high carbon footprint of production, transport and handling;
- Dangerous to use.
« CHAB is a game-changer for deep foundations and participates in techniques construction a lot cleaner ! »
CHAB solution replace the steel boxes by a lightweight textile solution and easy to use, which practically doesn’t need logistics requirements. This solution offers the same level of quality, reduces cost, delays and risks.